
November 18, 2009 | This visual look at what's new for SMBs in the Microsoft Office 2010 beta reveals a number of significant improvements. But is it enough to maintain the productivity suite's overwhelming dominance in the face of cheaper (free!) online alternatives?
By Fredric Paul
Midmarket Heroes: Three Unique SMBs Turn To Big-Company Software To Grow Their Businesses

November 10, 2009 | SAP trots out three very different businesses to show that it's serious about helping small and midsize companies. What can other SMBs learn from the experiences of these three Midmarket Heroes?
Slideshow: Top 10 BlackBerry Apps For SMBs

November 3, 2009 | The Blackberry may be the smartphone standard for business users, but most of the applications in the BlackBerry App World store are distinctly consumer-flavored. So we hunted down the top choices for small and midsize businesses.
SLIDESHOW: 10 Windows 7 Features SMBs Should Love

October 21, 2009 | Windows 7 promises to fight crime, cure cancer, and remove unwanted hair. But what does it really do for small and midsize companies? To find out, page through bMighty's exclusive visual guide to Windows 7's SMB features.
By Fredric Paul
SMB Strategies Of The PC Stars

October 14, 2009 | From Acer and Apple to Lenovo and Toshiba -- not to forget HP and Dell -- all the major hardware vendors are scrambling to supply small and midsize companies with the equipment they need. This slideshow looks at each company's approach.
Building The Mac Office - 2009 Edition

September 23, 2009 | In 2009, there are more reasons than ever for small and midsize businesses to go Mac. But making the right choice on Macintosh and related hardware and software can make all the difference. bMighty Apple blogger Jake Widman pinpoints today's top choices for Mac-based SMBs.
By Jake Widman
Top 10 Best Technology Ideas. . . That Really Aren't

September 16, 2009 | These 10 IT products, trends, and technologies are all extremely popular -- and deeply flawed. While they all seem like good ideas at first glance - they all carry serious downsides that SMBs ignore at their own peril.
By Fredric Paul
Resurrected: 7 Technologies That Won't Stay Dead

July 22, 2009 | They're ba-a-a-ack! Despite being superseded and left for dead, a few hardy technologies keep springing back to life. Sometimes that's a good thing. Sometimes not so much...
By Fredric Paul
Bluetooth Headsets Get Better

June 17, 2009 | Four hot new Bluetooth headset options improve noise cancelling and add voice activation--and stereo! Plus: new Bluetooth technology and some great bargains on last year's headsets.
By Fredric Paul
How Sundia Fruit Uses Technology To Monitor A Global Business

June 8, 2009 | Sundia Fruit's investment in an intranet-based platform provides up-to-the-minute information on which customers owe money, how much they owe, how long it's taking them to pay, and who the best payers are. It also provides a weekly, company-wide reporting system. And when the economy went sour, the company's emphasis on visibility allowed founder Brad Oberwager to court new and existing funding sources armed with detailed and current financial data.
Today's Business Leaders Talk IT For SMBs

May 26, 2009 | Leading executives, managers, and experts from small and midsize businesses and large enterprises share their insights and perspectives with bMighty on a host of IT issues, challenges, and opportunities that SMBs face.
By bMighty Staff
Roundup: National Small Business Week Highlights

May 21, 2009 | The top stories you can't miss from the National Small Business Week events held this week.
By bMighty Staff
Plan B: An SMB's Guide To Making Do During The Recession

May 13, 2009 | bMighty's Fredric Paul presents his unique guide to affordable alternatives to the technology you really want.
By Fredric Paul
5 Essential Tools For Mobile Business

April 29, 2009 | Cutting the wires and going fully mobile can open up new opportunities for your business, but it also means you'll need to invest in tools to help your mobile workforce keep working on the go. Here are five you can't do without.
By bMighty Staff
Putting Public Social Networks To Work For Business

April 15, 2009 | Companies are exploiting public social networking sites for valid business purposes. However, a lack of enterprise-class controls makes management of users akin to herding cats. By adopting strong policies for business use of public social networks, small and midsize businesses can maximize value and safeguard against inappropriate connections between personal and business contacts.
By Courtesy of Info-Tech Research Group
9 Cloud Storage Services For Your Business

April 9, 2009 | Storage can be expensive to manage and maintain, not to mention the constant need for more disk space. By using cloud computing for data storage, business owners can take advantage of more attractive pricing and minimize ongoing costs while integrating a host of new features available from different vendors.
By George Crump
How To Encrypt Your Business Data For Free

March 25, 2009 | Laptops and external storage drives are tempting targets for thieves, but you can stymie criminals from getting your sensitive business data by encrypting it. That way you'll only need to replace stolen hardware, not customer records or trade secrets. And this peace of mind won't cost you a dime. Get started now.
By Matthew McKenzie
7 Ways For Your Businesses To Go Green

March 22, 2009 | Taking your business green is not only good for the environment; it's also good for your bottom line. But it used to be that it was only the big guys that could afford the infrastructure required to implement green initiatives. Those days are long gone. Small and midsize businesses can now go green without breaking the bank -- and we've got seven of the best ways to do it
By Naomi Grossman
5 Server Operating Systems For Your Business

March 18, 2009 | Server operating systems provide platforms for business-critical, networked applications. So when it comes to choosing a server OS for your business, look for security, stability, and collaboration. Here are six of the most popularserver operating systems among small and midsize businesses, ranging in price from free to a few thousand dollars.
By Jennifer Moline
6 Mobile Operating Systems For Your Business

March 11, 2009 | As small and midsize businesses increasingly go mobile, they grow more reliant on smartphones. And not all smartphones are built equally. The brains behind the device -- the OS -- determines what the phones are capable of and which business functions you can run. Here are six of the most popularmobile operating systems.
By Jennifer Moline
6 Cost-Effective Ways To Buy Hardware

March 9, 2009 | Small and midsize businesses don't always have a lot of cash flow as this recession continues. So bMighty has six alternative ways to buy hardware for less than the retail price. Because if you're still running your business on a 486, you might finally consider retiring it in favor of new equipment.
By Jennifer Moline


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