
November 18, 2009 | This visual look at what's new for SMBs in the Microsoft Office 2010 beta reveals a number of significant improvements. But is it enough to maintain the productivity suite's overwhelming dominance in the face of cheaper (free!) online alternatives?
By Fredric Paul
Midmarket Heroes: Three Unique SMBs Turn To Big-Company Software To Grow Their Businesses

November 10, 2009 | SAP trots out three very different businesses to show that it's serious about helping small and midsize companies. What can other SMBs learn from the experiences of these three Midmarket Heroes?
Slideshow: Top 10 BlackBerry Apps For SMBs

November 3, 2009 | The Blackberry may be the smartphone standard for business users, but most of the applications in the BlackBerry App World store are distinctly consumer-flavored. So we hunted down the top choices for small and midsize businesses.
SLIDESHOW: 10 Windows 7 Features SMBs Should Love

October 21, 2009 | Windows 7 promises to fight crime, cure cancer, and remove unwanted hair. But what does it really do for small and midsize companies? To find out, page through bMighty's exclusive visual guide to Windows 7's SMB features.
By Fredric Paul
SMB Strategies Of The PC Stars

October 14, 2009 | From Acer and Apple to Lenovo and Toshiba -- not to forget HP and Dell -- all the major hardware vendors are scrambling to supply small and midsize companies with the equipment they need. This slideshow looks at each company's approach.
Building The Mac Office - 2009 Edition

September 23, 2009 | In 2009, there are more reasons than ever for small and midsize businesses to go Mac. But making the right choice on Macintosh and related hardware and software can make all the difference. bMighty Apple blogger Jake Widman pinpoints today's top choices for Mac-based SMBs.
By Jake Widman
Top 10 Best Technology Ideas. . . That Really Aren't

September 16, 2009 | These 10 IT products, trends, and technologies are all extremely popular -- and deeply flawed. While they all seem like good ideas at first glance - they all carry serious downsides that SMBs ignore at their own peril.
By Fredric Paul
Resurrected: 7 Technologies That Won't Stay Dead

July 22, 2009 | They're ba-a-a-ack! Despite being superseded and left for dead, a few hardy technologies keep springing back to life. Sometimes that's a good thing. Sometimes not so much...
By Fredric Paul
Bluetooth Headsets Get Better

June 17, 2009 | Four hot new Bluetooth headset options improve noise cancelling and add voice activation--and stereo! Plus: new Bluetooth technology and some great bargains on last year's headsets.
By Fredric Paul
How Sundia Fruit Uses Technology To Monitor A Global Business

June 8, 2009 | Sundia Fruit's investment in an intranet-based platform provides up-to-the-minute information on which customers owe money, how much they owe, how long it's taking them to pay, and who the best payers are. It also provides a weekly, company-wide reporting system. And when the economy went sour, the company's emphasis on visibility allowed founder Brad Oberwager to court new and existing funding sources armed with detailed and current financial data.
Today's Business Leaders Talk IT For SMBs

May 26, 2009 | Leading executives, managers, and experts from small and midsize businesses and large enterprises share their insights and perspectives with bMighty on a host of IT issues, challenges, and opportunities that SMBs face.
By bMighty Staff
Roundup: National Small Business Week Highlights

May 21, 2009 | The top stories you can't miss from the National Small Business Week events held this week.
By bMighty Staff
Plan B: An SMB's Guide To Making Do During The Recession

May 13, 2009 | bMighty's Fredric Paul presents his unique guide to affordable alternatives to the technology you really want.
By Fredric Paul
5 Essential Tools For Mobile Business

April 29, 2009 | Cutting the wires and going fully mobile can open up new opportunities for your business, but it also means you'll need to invest in tools to help your mobile workforce keep working on the go. Here are five you can't do without.
By bMighty Staff
Putting Public Social Networks To Work For Business

April 15, 2009 | Companies are exploiting public social networking sites for valid business purposes. However, a lack of enterprise-class controls makes management of users akin to herding cats. By adopting strong policies for business use of public social networks, small and midsize businesses can maximize value and safeguard against inappropriate connections between personal and business contacts.
By Courtesy of Info-Tech Research Group
9 Cloud Storage Services For Your Business

April 9, 2009 | Storage can be expensive to manage and maintain, not to mention the constant need for more disk space. By using cloud computing for data storage, business owners can take advantage of more attractive pricing and minimize ongoing costs while integrating a host of new features available from different vendors.
By George Crump
How To Encrypt Your Business Data For Free

March 25, 2009 | Laptops and external storage drives are tempting targets for thieves, but you can stymie criminals from getting your sensitive business data by encrypting it. That way you'll only need to replace stolen hardware, not customer records or trade secrets. And this peace of mind won't cost you a dime. Get started now.
By Matthew McKenzie
7 Ways For Your Businesses To Go Green

March 22, 2009 | Taking your business green is not only good for the environment; it's also good for your bottom line. But it used to be that it was only the big guys that could afford the infrastructure required to implement green initiatives. Those days are long gone. Small and midsize businesses can now go green without breaking the bank -- and we've got seven of the best ways to do it
By Naomi Grossman
5 Server Operating Systems For Your Business

March 18, 2009 | Server operating systems provide platforms for business-critical, networked applications. So when it comes to choosing a server OS for your business, look for security, stability, and collaboration. Here are six of the most popularserver operating systems among small and midsize businesses, ranging in price from free to a few thousand dollars.
By Jennifer Moline
6 Mobile Operating Systems For Your Business

March 11, 2009 | As small and midsize businesses increasingly go mobile, they grow more reliant on smartphones. And not all smartphones are built equally. The brains behind the device -- the OS -- determines what the phones are capable of and which business functions you can run. Here are six of the most popularmobile operating systems.
By Jennifer Moline
6 Cost-Effective Ways To Buy Hardware

March 9, 2009 | Small and midsize businesses don't always have a lot of cash flow as this recession continues. So bMighty has six alternative ways to buy hardware for less than the retail price. Because if you're still running your business on a 486, you might finally consider retiring it in favor of new equipment.
By Jennifer Moline

Hardware & Software

Windows 7 Family Pack Discontinued

December 8, 2009 | Microsoft pulls multi-license discount offer -- could add to upgrade expenses for very small businesses.
By Paul McDougall, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Dell's Sleek New Vostro V13 SMB Laptop Thinks Thin And Light

December 8, 2009 | When it comes to laptops, you can never be too thin or too rich. And the newest entry in Dell's small business lineup, the Vostro V13, weighs in at under 3.5 pounds and less than an inch thick.
By Fredric Paul
Microsoft To Finally Kill Windows XP SP2 Support

December 7, 2009 | Software maker eyes cutoff date for support for XP, as well as for Windows 2000. SMBs need to have their operating system plans in place.
By Paul McDougall, Courtesy of InformationWeek
How To Make Your Business Mobile -- By The Numbers

December 4, 2009 | The best smartphones for small businesses in 8 different categories, the top 13 apps for SMBs, and 5 ways to differentiate among wireless carriers.
By Dan O' Shea
Microsoft Warns Piracy Surge Brings Malware

December 3, 2009 | It's a problem because companies using unlicensed or counterfeit software are 73% more likely to suffer data loss or damage than users of legitimate software.
By Thomas Claburn, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Lenovo Offers AT&T Tech Support With PCs

December 3, 2009 | The companies have joined together to court SMBs with the discounted PC and IT support bundle.
By Antone Gonsalves, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Review: HP Mini 5101 Is A "Business Netbook"

December 3, 2009 | The HP Mini 5101 is the kind of business netbook that businesses might buy if businesses were buying business netbooks. But are most businesses buying netbooks?
By Fredric Paul
Netbooks In SMBs: Still Waiting For A Killer App

December 3, 2009 | Netbook sales keep growing, but businesses of all sizes are still struggling to figure out what the heck to DO with them.
By Fredric Paul
Bill Collector Makes Hay With Oracle Middleware

December 1, 2009 | Collect America finds opportunity in recession, but the 139-employeee company needed to integrate collection applications on top of Oracle Fusion middleware to make it work.
By Charles Babcock, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Office 2010 Ship Date Revealed

December 1, 2009 | Microsoft confirms Internet rumors surrounding the release of its next software suite: Office 2010 will ship in June.
By Paul McDougall, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Cisco Keeps Working To Make Its Case To Small Businesses

December 1, 2009 | One year after forming its Small Business Technology group, Cisco is still trying to erase perceptions that the networking giant cares only for large enterprises. New products and services debuting today are intended to help make the case -- to channel partners as well assmall businesses themselves.
By Fredric Paul
Disaster Recovery Options

November 30, 2009 | When it comes to riding out a disaster, preparing for the worst is a much better strategy than hoping for the best. Check out this unique slide show to find out why a disaster-recovery solution is important, learn how to assess your company's needs, and check out your company's best disaster-recovery options. (Registration required to view full slide show.)
How Cloud Computing Changes Everything

November 28, 2009 | Cloud computing is still an emerging technology, but it's already clear that increased adoption will bring changes in the way IT departments work -- in organizations both large and small.
By Charles Babcock, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Security Is Chief Obstacle To Cloud Computing Adoption, Says Study Of Growing Companies

November 25, 2009 | Half of organizations surveyed say they have no plans to use cloud technology; and half of those cite security concerns.
By Tim Wilson, Courtesy of DarkReading
Video Conferencing Shakeup Poses Challenges And Offers Opportunities For SMBs

November 23, 2009 | Long term, consolidation in the video conferencing market promises more powerful, less-expensive solutions for smaller companies. But in the meantime, SMBs need to be aware that their preferred video conferencing suppliers could be just about to change course.
By Paul Korzeniowski
Ballmer Says Windows 7 Is Microsoft's Best OS Ever

November 20, 2009 | The recently launched operating system is building market momentum as PC users upgrade from Vista, Microsoft's CEO says. No word on whether enterprises, consumers, or SMBs are leading the charge.
By Paul McDougall, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Cisco Teaming With EMC: Another Sign Of The Times

November 19, 2009 | It's not just the HP-3Com deal. The recent Cisco-EMC joint venture also signals continuing market consolidation in the computer equipment market. SMBs need to have a backup plan in case their preferred vendors abruptly decide to change course.
By Paul Korzeniowski
Salesforce Adds Enterprise Social Networking

November 18, 2009 | Chatter brings Facebook- and Twitter-type capabilities to applications running on the cloud computing platform.
By Mary Hayes Weier, Courtesy of InformationWeek
12+ New Microsoft Office 2010 Features

November 18, 2009 | This visual look at what's new for SMBs in the Microsoft Office 2010 beta reveals a number of significant improvements. But is it enough to maintain the productivity suite's overwhelming dominance in the face of cheaper (free!) online alternatives?
By Fredric Paul
HP Pitches Thin Computing To SMBS -- But Are They Interested?

November 17, 2009 | HP rolls out a raft of new thin client terminals -- some expected to cost less than $100 -- bolstered by new servers, new software, and new services. Will it be enough to convince SMBs that the time is finally right for thin computing to go mainstream in smaller companies?
By Fredric Paul
Citrix Rolls Out Xen Desktop 4

November 16, 2009 | Windows 7 will prompt a rethinking of the desktop in 2010 and lead many to virtualize, Citrix says. Are SMBs ready to jump on board?
By Charles Babcock, Courtesy of InformationWeek
Touch Screens Find Real-World Applications In SMBs

November 16, 2009 | If touch screens are so hot, what are small and midsize companies actually using them for? It can't all be restaurant workers and customer-facing kiosks, can it? We check out a new health care application, try to figure out uses for touch-screen laptops, and wonder if new software development programs will help.
By Fredric Paul
7 Cloud Computing Myths Busted

November 14, 2009 | Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others are investing aggressively in the cloud, even as critics point to security, reliability, and compatibility issues. InformationWeek cuts through the fog.
By Serdar Yegulalp, Courtesy of InformationWeek
10 Reasons For Small Businesses To Use Windows 7

November 13, 2009 | A no-nonsense rundown of why small businesses, especially, will find it worth their while to upgrade to Microsoft's new operating system.
By Scott Steinberg
Logitech To Acquire LifeSize Video Communications Vendor

November 11, 2009 | The $405 million purchase of LifeSize would give Logitech entry into the growing corporate videoconferencing market, with a focus on SMBs.
By Antone Gonsalves, Courtesy of InformationWeek

Language and Computers

Throughout time language has changed a great deal. Every new invention or fashion craze has made an impact in the English language and in many other languages for that fact. The computer world has made one of the biggest additions to the English language in recent time. It is simply amazing the impact that this phenomenon has had.

If you were to look through computer magazines you would see an abundance of words that were created to describe the computer world. Some of these words are hypertext, modem, Internet, RAM, and ROM. In order to keep up with this everchanging and growing field, some people have created vocabulary lists, guides to computer language, and dictionaries. You can find various examples of them on the World Wide Web. Some of the examples that I found are

Other people have actually created there own language due to the enormous impact that computers have ahd on them. Spanglish is a language created by a Spanish company who was influenced so much by the English computer terms that they had to create their own language in order for the employees to understand and be able to operate the computers. They actually have a dictionary calledCyber Spanglish Terms which the inventor of the language has managed to create in order to compile all of the words to date.

Also, new definitions for already existing words have been developed. Some words which display this are "mouse": an input instrument, "Windows": which is an application program, "Web": short form for World Wide Web, and "surfing": as in "surfing the Net".

Language will continue to grow and change forever. As long as computers remain in existence, which I believe they always will, they will continue to add to the English vocabulary. It makes it difficult for newcomers to the computer world to understand this new "lingo" however, the new dictionaries for computer terms and guides help to make it a little easier.

Microsoft Windows shortcut keys

Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Windows as well as the versions of Microsoft Windows they're supported in. If you're looking for shortcut keys or information about how to navigate Microsoft Windows using your keyboard instead of the mouse see document CH000791. See our main shortcut page if you're looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.Shortcut Keys 3.x 95 98 ME NT 2000 XP Vista Description

Alt + Tab X Switch between open applications.

Alt + Shift + Tab X Switch backwards between open applications.

Alt + double-click Display the properties of the object you double-click on. Forexample, doing this on a file would display its properties.
Ctrl + Tab X Switches between program groups or document windows in applications that support this feature.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab X Same as above but backwards.
Alt + Print Screen X Create a screen shot only for the program you are currently in.
Ctrl + Print Screen X X X Creates a screen shot of the entire screen
Ctrl + Alt + Del X Reboot the computer and/or bring up the Windows task manager.
Ctrl + Esc X Bring up the Windows Start menu. In Windows 3.x this would bring up the Task Manager.

Alt + Esc Switch Between open applications on taskbar

F1 X Activates help for current open application.

F2 X Renames selected Icon.

F3 Starts find from desktop.

F4 Opens the drive selection when browsing.

F5 Refresh Contents to where you were on the page.
Ctrl + F5 X Refreshes page to the beginning of the page.

F10 X Activates menu bar.

Shift + F10 Simulates right-click on selected item.

F4 Select a different location to browse in the Windows Explorer toolbar.

Alt + F4 Closes Current open program.

Ctrl + F4 Closes Window in Program.

F6 Move cursor to different Windows Explorer pane.

Alt + Space bar Drops down the window control menu.

Ctrl + (the '+' key on the keypad) Automatically adjust the widths of all the columns in Windows explorer

Alt + Enter Opens properties window of selected icon or program

Alt + Space bar Open the control menu for the current window open.
Shift + Del Delete programs/files without throwing them into the recycle bin.

Holding Shift Boot Safe Mode or by pass system files as the computer is


Holding Shift When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing.

Enter Activates the highlighted program.

Alt + Down arrow Display all available options on drop down menu.

* (on the keypad) Expands all folders on the currently selected folder or drive in Windows Explorer.

+ (on the keypad) Expands only the currently selected folder in Windows Explorer.
- (on the keypad) Collapses the currently selected folder in Windows Explorer.

Windows key keyboard shortcuts

Below is a listing of Windows keys that can be used on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system and using a keyboard with a Windows key. In the below list of shortcuts, the Windows key is represented by "WINKEY".

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

F2 Edit the selected cell.
F5 Goto a specific cell. For example, C6.
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document.
F11 Create chart.
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date.
Alt + Shift + F1 Insert New Worksheet.
Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5 Bring up search box.
Ctrl + A Select all contents of the worksheet.
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K Insert link.
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + P Bring up the print dialog box to begin printing.
Ctrl + Z Undo last action.
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks / windows.
Ctrl + Page up Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Page down Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Tab Move between Two or more open Excel files.
Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Ctrl + ' Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.
Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format.
Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format.
Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section of text.
Ctrl + Space Select entire column.
Shift + Space Select entire row.

Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

File Menu shortcuts

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Save the opened document for Web

Ctrl+Shift+P To change Page Setup for printing

Alt+Ctrl+P Print the opened document with preview

Alt+Shift+Ctrl+I To display the info of opened file

Ctrl+Q Used to exit from adobe Photoshop

Edit Menu shortcuts

Ctrl+Z To undo/redo the last changes

Alt+Ctrl+Z Go to one step backward

Shift+Ctrl+Z Go to one step forward

Ctrl+X or F2 Used to cut the selected area

Ctrl+C or F3 Used to copy the selected area

Ctrl+V or F4 Used to Paste the copied value

Image Menu shortcuts

Ctrl+L To adjust the color levels

Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L To adjust the auto Contrast

Ctrl+B Used to adjust the Color and Tone balance

Ctrl+U Used to adjust the Hue/Saturation

Ctrl+Alt+X Used to Extract the selected area

Ctrl+I Used to Invert

Layer Menu Shortcuts

Ctrl+N Used to insert new Layer

Ctrl+J Used to move Layer via copy

Ctrl+Shift+J Used to move Layer via cut

Ctrl+G To create the Group of layers

Shift+Ctrl+G To create the ungroup of layers

Ctrl+E Used to Merge the Layers

Ctrl+Shift+E Used to Merge Visible

Select Menu Shortcuts

Ctrl+A Used to select all

Ctrl+D Used to deselect all

Alt+Ctrl+A Used to select all layers

Shift+Ctrl+D Used to reselect

Filter Menu Shortcuts

Alt+Ctrl+X Used to extract the selected image

Shift+Ctrl+X Used to Liquify the selected image

Alt+Shift+Ctrl+X To create the Pattern Preview

Ctrl+F Used to view the last Filter

Filter Menu Shortcuts

Ctrl++ or Ctrl+= Used to apply Zoom in

Ctrl+- Used to apply Zoom out

Ctrl+0 Used to view as Fit on screen

Ctrl+R Used to display the Rulers

F9 Used to display the Actions panel

F5 Used to display the Brushes panel

F6 Used to display the Color panel

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